How to Use Red Light Therapy at Home
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How to Use Red Light Therapy at Home
Create on 2021-06-21
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Man reading beside Half-Body Red Light Therapy Pro100 emitting therapeutic red light.

There's an explanation why red light therapy therapies have become so common in recent years. It's a fantastic non-invasive treatment for a variety of health and skin problems, and it's backed by scientific evidence.

Scientists are discovering red light therapy to reduce and even reverse the symptoms of aging with no negative side effects. This might seem to be too good to be true, but it isn't. If you want to achieve youthful skin without taking any risks, red light therapy is the way to go.

Thousands of results appear when you search for "red light therapy" on Google. With so many options on the market, it's important to learn the truth about how to use the red light at home before making a decision. 

Home Red Light Therapy

Both devices have two different wavelengths for slightly different benefits, but they can all be used at the same time. Infrared light, for example, is a better environment for muscle recovery because it penetrates deeper into the muscle, but the red light is also helpful because it is absorbed by more superficial skin cells, which stimulates collagen development.

If your screen is set to "near-infrared only," you will not see any light coming from it (remember that near-infrared is not visible to the naked eye).

How Often Should You Do Red Light Therapy?

You may be wondering how much you should use red light therapy at home. When your doctor prescribes it, you can begin using it after a two-month break and progressively raise the number of treatments you receive each year, but most physicians recommend using it for 8 to 12 weeks to see the best results.

This is due to the fact that the more circles you do on a regular basis, the sooner you can see changes in your face. However, if used on a regular basis, red light therapy can cause skin burns in certain people.

Aside from burning the eyes, the procedure can have other side effects, so before you try red light therapy at home, talk to your doctor to see if it's right for you. Also, determine how much time you can devote to each treatment.

How to use Red and Near-Infrared Light Therapy at Home

Red light therapy benefits | Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy of Idaho in Boise

The process of opening, hanging up, and turning on an infrared device is extremely simple. It takes about 5 minutes to open, hang up, and switch on the device. The operating instructions will walk you through the installation and commissioning process with ease. Additional instructions can be found in the user manual you will receive, which also describes how to connect multiple devices. It includes anything you'll need to get started.

You can begin the treatment if all is in order. While we provide eye protection, it is not needed. LEDs are particularly bright, and the light can be bothersome to some people. If this is the case, we recommend wearing the goggles or simply closing your eyes if it feels comfortable.

How Long Should You Do Red Light Therapy?

Everyone's body responds to red light therapy in a particular way. As a result, determining how long to use red light therapy varies from person to person. And speaking with a licensed therapist is the best way to find out.

Typically, a daily red light therapy session can last about fifteen minutes, which is the maximum amount of time to spend on a red light therapy bed. If you have sensitive skin, you should reduce the time accordingly.

The Problem with Using Smaller Lights

Smaller lamps, less than 12 inches in diameter, usually pose logistical and comfort concerns. Most anti-aging and skin rejuvenation small handheld devices and red lights sold online have around 10mW/cm2, if not less. They often handle just a 5-10 square inch area at a time.

Since it can only handle a small portion of the body at a time, you'll need to decide if you're able to spend 30-60 minutes at a time keeping a system in different positions to get enough coverage for the most therapeutic gain. Almost certainly, the answer is no. You'll soon tire of using the unit, and you'll have wasted money on equipment you won't use on a regular basis.

The Benefit of Using Larger Lights

On the other hand, a larger light can illuminate a larger area in a shorter period of time, which is much more convenient. You'll be more likely to use a system with a high power output that also handles a wider region at once if you buy one with both.

Look for a high-powered system that produces close to 100mW/cm2 because it can still deliver successful doses from a distance of 6 to 24 inches. In most cases, buying a large light panel rather than a small, handheld device is preferable, particularly since most people who buy smaller ones never use them.

What To Expect After Therapy

Since LED light therapy is non-invasive, there is no downtime, making it an even more appealing choice for treating a variety of ailments. Patients will resume normal activities immediately after treatment is completed. Even if you complete the recommended number of sessions, keep in mind that the effects aren't permanent.

When your skin cells turn over, you might lose some collagen and notice signs of aging again, or you might notice new acne breakouts. This is why maintenance treatments are necessary every few months (or as recommended by your dermatologist.)


The bottom line is that if you're going to spend your time and money, you should buy a well-made, high-quality product from a reputable manufacturer and educate yourself about how to use it properly to enjoy your money.

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