Relieve the Tension: Red Light Therapy for Active Yogis and Climbers
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Relieve the Tension: Red Light Therapy for Active Yogis and Climbers
Create on 2024-01-28
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As a passionate climber and yogi, I know you'd be quite worried about muscle aches and joint discomfort after an intense yoga session or a climbing adventure. I'm gonna tell you a secret therapy to get rid of this problem!

We often underestimate the power of light in our lives. Little do we know that a particular kind of light can be the missing link to reaching new heights in yoga and climbing. Climbers often face the silent struggle of joint discomfort, while yogis may find some poses a joint challenge. What if a remedy says, "No more holding back!"? And that is red light therapy!

Red Light Therapy for Yogis

Red light therapy, also called low-level laser therapy or photobiomodulation, utilizes specific wavelengths of light to penetrate the skin and stimulate cellular activity. RLT activates the body's natural healing processes. This therapy has been scientifically proven to enhance muscle recovery, reduce inflammation, and contribute to overall well-being.

This article will explore the proven benefits of RLT for active yogis and climbers. Buckle up and read on!

Red Light Therapy for Climbers

Benefits of Red Light Therapy for Active Yogis and Climbers

Whether you're an active yogi or climber who wants to be mentally and physically fit in the long run, red light therapy is the best choice! Here, I will discuss the major advantages of this therapy for yogis and climbers. Continue reading to know why it's so important for you!

Reduces Muscle Soreness

Muscle soreness and inflammation are common complaints after yoga sessions or climbing. Prolonged body stretching or climbing can result in the build-up of lactic acid, which can lead to sore muscles and decreased performance.

Luckily, with red light therapy, reducing muscle soreness and inflammation is super easy. This is because red light therapy increases blood circulation, thus promoting anti-inflammatory cytokine production. Hence, more oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the affected area, resulting in faster healing and recovery.

Muscle Recovery

Yogis and climbing enthusiasts take note: this one is especially for you. Subjects who received RLT immediately after exercise experienced significantly less muscle soreness, muscle strength loss, and range-of-motion impairments, according to a study determining the effectiveness of RLT on muscle recovery.

Furthermore, another study discovered that using RLT on college athletes with a variety of injuries significantly (and safely) reduced their recovery time (nearly twice as fast as those who did not receive the treatment).

Pain Reduction

Remember that tight feeling after a strenuous climb or a deep yogic stretch? RLT sends tiny light messengers deep into your tissues, soothing inflammation and reducing lactic acid build-up, which is the cause of post-workout aches.

In a study (DB-RCT) of 80 chemotherapy patients, red light therapy demonstrated a significant reduction in self-reported pain. Another study in which red light therapy was administered with optimal doses of 904 nm and possibly 632 nm wavelengths directly to the lateral elbow tendon insertions seems to offer short-term pain relief and less disability. A meta-analysis assessing the potential of red light therapy for back pain indicates that LLLT is an effective method for relieving pain in NSCLBP patients.

Performance Optimization

RLT acts as a small engine tune-up for your cells. It boosts your mitochondria's power, the energy factories inside your muscles. This energy boost leads to better stamina, increased endurance, and performance. Your proprioception, or the body's awareness of space, is also improved, making those difficult yoga balances a breeze.

Red Light Therapy

Enhanced Joint and Tendon Health

Yoga, climbing, and aerial sports put immense pressure on your joints, tendons, and fingers. RLT is now used to treat joint pain - thanks to its ability to stimulate collagen production and rebuild cartilage.

A Cochrane review of red light therapy for rheumatoid arthritis published in 2009 concluded that "LLLT could be considered for short-term treatment for relief of pain and morning stiffness for RA patients, particularly given its low risk of side effects."

Even in people who do not have arthritis but show signs of tissue damage or degeneration due to ageing or some other issue, LLLT can be beneficial. According to a 2009 Lancet study, "LLLT reduces pain immediately after treatment in patients with acute neck pain and up to 22 weeks after completion of treatment in patients with chronic neck pain."

Stress Reduction

Red light can help with stress relief in a variety of ways. It has been shown to have positive neurological benefits in and of itself; studies have shown that photobiomodulation can significantly help with PTSD, depression, insomnia, and other neurological benefits. That's why it makes perfect sense to incorporate red light therapy into one's daily routine.

According to research, red light therapy can naturally energize and improve moods by increasing self-confidence, positivity, passion, joyfulness, laughter, social awareness, conversation skills, and sensory stimulation.

Faster Injury Healing

Oops, you got bumps and bruises from pushing too hard? RLT accelerates healing, reduces inflammation, and even says goodbye to scar tissue.

Tendinous and muscular injuries are among the most common types of yoga and climbing injuries that keep you out of the game, but evidence suggests that red light therapy can help athletes recover faster from musculotendinous injuries.

Researchers conclude that this is due to the ability of red light wavelengths to reduce inflammatory markers and oxidative stress, aiding recovery.

Sleep Improvement

Sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality in yogis and climbers can have a significant negative impact on not only performance and motivation but also your fitness gains. Sleeping properly allows your muscles to repair and recover. During sleep, your body also produces growth hormone, which is important for muscle building and strength, as well as muscle repair.

Studies have shown red light therapy to help melatonin production. This can help reset your "circadian clock" and promote the release of melatonin required for healthy sleep.


Red light therapy can be an affordable, non-medical solution for active yogis and climbers aiming to achieve fitness. It's a non-invasive and risk-free method to improve many conditions along with your overall body health, which is not possible through other conventional treatments. It's safe for most people, but more research is needed to show it's truly effective.

If you're exploring different therapy options, Bestqool red light therapy could be an excellent choice. Compared to other therapies, it might be convenient and more affordable-you might even be able to do it at home.


[1] Antonialli, F. C., De Marchi, T., Tomazoni, S. S., Vanin, A. A., dos Santos Grandinetti, V., de Paiva, P. R., Pinto, H. D., Miranda, E. F., de Tarso Camillo de Carvalho, P., & Leal-Junior, E. C. (2014). Phototherapy in skeletal muscle performance and recovery after exercise: effect of combination of super-pulsed laser and light-emitting diodes. Lasers in medical science, 29(6), 1967–1976.

[2] Fisher, S. R., Rigby, J. H., Mettler, J. A., & McCurdy, K. W. (2019). The Effectiveness of Photobiomodulation Therapy Versus Cryotherapy for Skeletal Muscle Recovery: A Critically Appraised Topic. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 28(5), 526–531.

[3] Bjordal, J. M., Lopes-Martins, R. A., Joensen, J., Couppe, C., Ljunggren, A. E., Stergioulas, A., & Johnson, M. I. (2008). A systematic review with procedural assessments and meta-analysis of low-level laser therapy in lateral elbow tendinopathy (tennis elbow). BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 9, 75.

[4] Brosseau, L., Robinson, V., Wells, G., Debie, R., Gam, A., Harman, K., Morin, M., Shea, B., & Tugwell, P. (2005). Low-level laser therapy (Classes I, II and III) for treating rheumatoid arthritis. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2005(4), CD002049.

[5] Lam, C., & Chung, M. H. (2021). Dose-response effects of light therapy on sleepiness and circadian phase shift in shift workers: a meta-analysis and moderator analysis. Scientific reports, 11(1), 11976.

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