Red Light Therapy for Healing Wounds, Injuries, Scars, and Burns
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Red Light Therapy for Healing Wounds, Injuries, Scars, and Burns
Create on 2020-05-12
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Red light therapy is a safe, natural way to speed up the healing process for burns, wounds, surgery incisions, and scars, as shown in numerous peer-reviewed clinical studies. Patients recovering from injuries and medical procedures have experienced much less pain and inflammation, with faster healing results, when using red light treatments.

Light therapy has become a popular natural healing solution and pain reliever for everyone from pro athletes to senior citizens with arthritis. And all without the side effects and major health risks you get with prescription pain medicines and invasive procedures.

This article breaks down the research on the healing properties of red light therapy, especially for treating burns, healing wounds & scars, recovering from injury & surgery, and managing pain & inflammation.

How Red Light Heals Skin Wounds and Diminishes Scars

The short version is this: red light therapy is natural, non-invasive, and drug-free.A device like a Bestqool delivers safe, concentrated wavelengths of therapeutic natural light to your skin and cells, where it reduces oxidative stress and stimulates cellular energy production (adenosine triphosphate, or ATP). That helps your body power itself, regenerate & heal faster, and reduce pain & inflammation.

The inflammation reduction is central to red light's therapeutic healing effects. After injuries and operations, inflammation and swelling is common, and creates pain, reduces activity, and slows the healing process. Red light therapy has been shown in numerous trials to reduce acute and chronic inflammation.

Studies on red light therapy and wound healing have also shown how cells exposed to natural light produce new blood vessels, new fibroblasts (which create collagen and connective fibers to heal wounds) and new tissue formation-all leading to faster, stronger healing outcomes, with less patient pain.

Red Light Therapy Improves the Appearance of Scars

With many skin injuries-whether burns or cuts or surgical scars-there is a lasting (and usually unwelcome) blemish. Scientists have conducted studies looking at the effects of red light on reducing the appearance of scars.

One peer-reviewed study looked at hypertrophic (raised) scars on 20 children. Researchers treated one half of children's scars for 3 months and compared the difference to the untreated area. They determined scars treated with red light therapy showed significantly reduced scarification and appearance, and concluded that red light treatments are safe and effective for raised scars.

Red Light Therapy Improves the Healing of Burns

In numerous studies and trials, red light therapy treatments have proven to be a natural boost to the burn healing and recovery process. Taken as a whole, the results show much faster healing, with less pain, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Plus better cosmetic recovery results, and all without drugs or chemicals, or noted side effects.

Red Light Therapy Decreases Inflammation from Burns

Less inflammation means less pain and discomfort during the burn recovery process. This aligns with the positive human results on red light and inflammation reduction.

Conclusion: Red Light Speeds Wound & Scar Healing and Decreases Pain & Inflammation

In study after study, red light therapy has proven to be a safe, natural way to speed up the healing process for burns, wounds, surgery incisions, and scars. Patients recovering from injuries and surgeries have also experienced much less pain and inflammation, and without the common risks and side effects of prescription drugs and invasive procedures.

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