Red light therapy is gaining recognition for its potential to improve sleep quality by regulating melatonin production. Bestqool, a leader in light therapy technology, offers advanced devices that help boost melatonin levels, ensuring a restful and rejuvenating sleep. By incorporating red light therapy into your nightly routine, you can enhance your sleep naturally and effectively.
What is melatonin?
We all know that melatonin plays a very important role in people's sleep, so what exactly is melatonin?
Melatonin is a hormone secreted by a tissue in the brain called the pineal gland, and its key function is to help the body maintain the sleep-wake rhythm (also called circadian rhythm). The circadian rhythm is directly related to the light and dark changes in the external environment.

Sleep and Melatonin
To put it simply, when the outside light is bright, the pineal gland inhibits the release of melatonin, and the melatonin decreases. When night falls, the outside light becomes darker, and the release of melatonin gradually increases, which has the intuitive effect of making you feel sleepy and thus preparing you for sleep.
How does melatonin affect sleep quality?
Normal levels of melatonin in the body can help regulate the sleep cycle and improve abnormal sleep conditions.
- The secretion of melatonin is regulated by lightand its level increases in dark environments at night. The secretion amount is 5-10 times that of the day, which helps us fall asleep.
- Jet lag can influencemelatonin secretion and cause insomnia due to frequent traveling.
- After the age of 35, the function of the body's glands decreases, and the secretion of melatonin reducessignificantly, with an average of 10% -15% per 10 years. The decline of melatonin in elderly patients with sleep disorders is more obvious, and the secretion is only 1/10 of the peak.

The effect of red light therapy on melatonin
For billions of years, sunlight has been the original and only source of light that has shaped the endogenous circadian rhythms of almost all life forms. Light regulates a series of physiological processes, including sleep-wakefulness, core body temperature, metabolism, and hormone production, which is of great significance for maintaining health. When it comes to light signal perception, most people think of the eye as the only light-sensing organ in the human body, but this is far from the case. Red light therapy acts on the human body to activate cellular functions by optimizing melatonin secretion and, ultimately, sleep quality. Red light is being used with renewed interest due to its potential for influencing melatonin.
Studies conducted on basketball players compared the melatonin values before and after RLT sessions. The participants received treatment with red light, and their melatonin levels were assessed just before the treatment and at different intervals after therapy. The mean serum melatonin levels before the red-light treatment group and placebo group were 22.2 ± 7.2 and 21.7 ± 6.8 pg/mL, respectively. After treatment, serum melatonin was raised to (38.8±6.7 pg/mL), but the serum concentration was remarkably lower in the placebo group (23.8±7.3 pg/mL). A better secretion of melatonin could improve sleep and overall circadian regulation. These findings point to red light therapy as a non-invasive way to naturally boost melatonin levels and support better sleep health.
Things that affect melatonin in life
- Some people who sleep at night are accustomed to turning on a night light in the room or like to stay up late to play with their mobile phones, which interferes with melatonin production.If you engage in such activities, it may be time to reconsider for the sake of your sleep health.
- Nighttime light is not only harmful to eye health but alsoaffects sleep. It can have a negative impact on human metabolic health by disrupting circadian rhythms.
- Before the agricultural era, there was no artificial light at night, and man evolved under the earth's 24-hour day-night alternation and the natural alternation of light and dark led to the formation of an endogenous circadian rhythm timing system. However, in the age of technology, people have shifted from the past lifestyle of not being active at night and only sleepingto working around the clock, staying up late to play with mobile phones until the early hours of the morning, and even sleeping at two or three o'clock, which seriously affects their sleep quality.

Life tips to improve sleep quality
When you get a good night's sleep, you wake up energized and ready to start your day in a good mood. Sleep deprivation doesn't just make you groggy in the morning; it can also have devastating effects on the mind and body. Sleep is the foundation of good health, and getting enough sleep is necessary for cardiovascular, metabolic, and even brain health. You may not be able to control what interferes with sleep, but you can develop habits that improve your sleep. Try these simple tips.
- Sleep regularly and consistently
For a healthy adult, the recommended amount of sleep is at least 7 hours. Most people don't need more than 8 hours of sleep to rest well. It's best to go to bed and wake up at regular times every day, including weekends. Sticking to it reinforces your body's sleep-wake cycle, and if you don't fall asleep within about 20 minutes of being in bed, leave your bedroom, do something relaxing, such as reading or listening to soothing music, and go back to sleep when you're tired. Repeat the method as needed, but continue to maintain your bedtime and wake-up times.
- Pay attention to what you eat
Do not go to bed either hungry or stuffed with much food. In particular, avoid eating a big meal right before bedtime. Also, watch out for nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol. The stimulant effects of nicotine and caffeine take hours to wear off and can wreak havoc on quality sleep. Alcohol will relax you to sleep, something that, in the long run, has the potential not only to damage organs like the liver and kidneys but also to interfere with sleep late at night. - The nap period should not be long
Too much daytime napping can interfere with nighttime sleep. Do not nap within one hour of bedtime, and avoid napping too late. - Prevent exercising before bedtime
Regular physical activity, such as running, yoga, or skipping, helps improve overall physical conditions and promotes adequate sleep. But don't get too active right before you go to bed.
- Quiet and comfortable environment
Keep the bedroom calm, dark, and quiet. Minimize the time spent before bed by light-emitting screens, including smartphones. You may want to use dark curtains or a sleep mask, ear plugs, white noise like a fan, or other devices. Relaxing activities before bed, such as reading and showering, may enhance sleep.
In short, red light therapy is a safe and non-invasive therapy for enhancing health. Bestqool's red light therapy devices are not just about improving sleep; they are about enhancing your overall quality of life. As we continue to uncover the myriad benefits of red light therapy, Bestqool remains dedicated to providing cutting-edge solutions that support your health and well-being!
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