Military Spotlight: Use of Red Light Therapy for Veterans and Active Troops
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Military Spotlight: Use of Red Light Therapy for Veterans and Active Troops
Create on 2024-01-09
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Battle scars can run deeper than the surface. Not the visible scars of battle but the silent struggles-nightmares that echo in your sleep, pain that eats at your bones, and memories that cling like unseen chains. This is the reality for many veterans and active military personnel; their service is stamped not only on medals but also on their minds and bodies.

use red light therapy for military and veterans

Veterans and active military personnel often face invisible wounds like PTSD, TBI, chronic pain, sleep problems, and even overuse injuries. These can significantly impact their well-being and even operational readiness. Traditional treatments often fall short, but luckily, a promising and non-drug option, , is emerging.

This article will cover how red light therapy is beneficial for military personnel with self-directed healing. So, buckle up and give this article a read!

What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy (RLT) is a treatment that reportedly improves the appearance of your skin by reducing wrinkles, scars, redness, and acne by using low-wavelength red light. It's also being used as a treatment for other medical conditions.

To date, there is a lot of ongoing research, the publication of small studies, and a lot of discussion on the internet about the efficacy of red light therapy for various health purposes. A lot of studies show promise, but the full efficacy of red light therapy has yet to be determined.

Scientific literature also suggests the following names for red light therapy:

  • Cold laser therapy
  • Non-thermal LED light
  • Soft laser therapy
  • Photonic stimulation, biostimulation.
  • Low-level laser light therapy
  • Low-power laser therapy
  • Photobiomodulation and phototherapy are terms used interchangeably.

Benefits of RLT for Veterans and Active Troops

Physical injuries may heal with time, while the emotional and psychological burdens carried by many active troops and veterans can linger for years, impacting their lives in many ways. Red light therapy uses specific wavelengths (660-850nm) of red and near-infrared light to penetrate tissues. This light interacts with cells, promoting various beneficial effects. Here's why red light therapy emerges as a promising tool for supporting military personnel in their journey toward healing and well-being.

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1. Chronic Pain Relief

Chronic pain is a prevalent issue among both active troops and veterans, resulting from injuries or rigorous training. Traditional painkillers come with drawbacks, but red light therapy offers a natural alternative. A study published in the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine showed that red light therapy can ease pain, muscle strains, joint injuries and even nerve damage by releasing endorphins. This leads to improved mobility, decreased reliance on medication and a better quality of life for those battling chronic pain.

2. Wound Healing

The benefits of red light therapy extend beyond these specific challenges. Its ability to enhance cellular energy production promotes general tissue repair, supports recovery from injuries, and can even strengthen the immune system. This holistic approach to healing empowers individuals to take charge of their well-being and get faster wound healing, as reported by the study published in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology.

3. Improved Sleep

Sleep disturbances are a frequent complaint among military personnel due to stress, PTSD and shift work schedules. Inadequate sleep impacts not only physical health but also mental well-being and performance. Red light therapy comes to the rescue here, too.

By promoting the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, red light therapy helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle. This means deeper, more restorative sleep for individuals to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day, as evidenced by this study in the Frontiers in Psychiatry Journal.

4. Traumatic Brain Injuries

TBIs, often sustained during combat or training accidents, can leave lasting neurological effects. Red light therapy emerges as a potential healer here, as research suggests its ability to promote cellular repair and regeneration in the brain.

Red light therapy increases blood circulation in the brain. The red and near-infrared light photons stimulate the mitochondria to produce more ATP which means clearer and sharper thinking.

According to a study published in the Journal of Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, light-emitting diodes add something beyond what's currently available with cognitive rehabilitation therapy. Most of the traumatic brain injury and PTSD cases treated with LEDs on the head have been through cognitive rehabilitation therapy. Even after the LED treatments, these people showed additional progress. A combination of both methods is likely to give the best results.

5. PTSD and Stress Management

As a common symptom of war, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans is characterized by hypervigilance, flashbacks, and emotional distress. Red light therapy has the power to regulate the HPA axis, and the body's stress response system, which offers significant potential in managing PTSD symptoms. Studies have proven red light is effective in reducing anxiety, improving sleep, and promoting overall emotional well-being, providing a calmer state of mind for patients struggling with PTSD.


In a nutshell, red light therapy could be an excellent choice for veterans and active military personnel in search of a non-invasive, drug-free therapy option. Bestqool red light therapy is a fantastic option to empower the general health of veterans and service members by helping them overcome PTSD, chronic pain, and sleep problems.



  1. Heiskanen, V., & Hamblin, M. R. (2018). Photobiomodulation: Lasers vs Light Emitting Diodes? Photobiological and Photophysical Sciences: Official Journal of the European Photochemistry Association 17(8), 1003.
  1. Al-Quissi, A. F., Jamile, F. A., Abdulhadi, B. N., & Muhsen, S. J. (2023). The reliability of using light therapy compared with laser in pain reduction of temporomandibular disorders: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Oral Health, 23(1), 91.
  2. Simões, T. M. S., de Alencar Fernandes Neto, J., Nonaka, C. F. W., & de Vasconcelos Catão, M. H. C. (2022). Effects of photobiomodulation therapy with a red light led's on inflammatory cells during the healing of skin burns. Lasers in medical science, 37(7), 2817–2822.
  3. Margaret A. Naeser, Paula I. Martin, Michael D. Ho, Maxine H. Krengel, Jefrey A. Knight, Megan K. Yee, Ross Zafonte, Judith Frazzier, Michael R. Hamblin, and Bang-Bon Koo. (2016). Transcranial, Red/Near-Infrared Light-Emitting Diode Therapy to Improve Cognition in Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury. Photomedicine and Lase Surgery, 34(12),610-626.
  1. Paan, R., Zhang, G., Deng, F., Lin, W., & Pan, J. (2023). Effects of red light on sleep and mood in healthy subjects and individuals with sleep disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1200350.

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