Red Light Therapy for Prostate Health: Improving Urinary Function and Reducing Inflammation
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Red Light Therapy for Prostate Health: Improving Urinary Function and Reducing Inflammation
Create on 2023-12-06
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Man using BQ60 red light therapy device at bedside, showcasing red LED panel in use.

What Is Prostate?

The prostate is the largest accessory sex gland in men and a human organ that only men have. Although the normal prostate is only the size of a chestnut and weighs about 15g, its role in the human body should not be underestimated. The prostate gland can secrete prostatic fluid, maintain male physiological functions, and is the main switch for normal urination and urine control.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

The prostate is an important organ in men. The growth and development of the prostate reach its peak around the age of 24. The size of the prostate in men is relatively constant between the ages of 30 and 45. BPH, also known as prostatic hypertrophy, is a gradual enlargement of the prostate gland in middle-aged men. Because organs and tissues surround the prostate, the hyperplasia cannot grow outward, so it presses inward, directly compressing the prostate and urethra, causing obstruction of the bladder and difficulty in urination.Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

What Are the Common Symptoms of Prostatic Hyperplasia??


The most common symptom is difficulty urinating. Difficulty in urinating may get worse with age. The progression of prostatic hyperplasia is relatively slow. At first, the urination speed will be slower, and the urination time will be longer. Later, the urination may be intermittent, and the urine may always feel unclean. In severe cases, the urine output may be calculated by "drops."

Hematuria (blood in urine)

Hematuria occurs when the capillaries on the prostate mucosa are congested and small blood vessels dilate and are pulled by the enlarged glands or rub against the bladder. When the bladder contracts, it can cause microscopic or gross hematuria.

Urinary tract infections

Urinary retention often leads to urinary tract infection, which can cause symptoms such as urgency, frequency, and difficulty urinating and is accompanied by painful urination. When upper urinary tract infection occurs secondary, symptoms of fever, low back pain, and systemic poisoning will occur. Although patients usually have no symptoms of urinary tract infection, they may have more white blood cells in their urine or bacterial growth in urine culture, which should be treated before surgery.

Kidney damage

If urine remains in the bladder for a long time, it causes kidney stones to form. When the kidneys are damaged, it is also necessary to avoid using too much force during urination because urine reflux and hydronephrosis may occur, which can destroy kidney function.

Causes of Prostate Hyperplasia?

  • Prostatitis
  • Excessive masturbation
  • Improper diet
  • Lack of exercise
  • Poor emotional health
  • Holdingurine for a longer time

Can Prostate Hyperplasia Be Cured?

Prostatic hyperplasia, like high blood pressure and diabetes, is a chronic disease. Hormonal drug therapy and surgery is the common method to reduce symptoms. Most patients need to take medication for a long time. In recent years, red light therapy has emerged as a new therapeutic option for improving prostate health.

Why Is Red Light Therapy Effective for Prostatic Hyperplasia?

Red light therapy is a non-invasive method in which red light with a specific wavelength (660-850 nm), such as lasers and LEDs, is irradiated to the affected area to improve the patient's condition. In the treatment of the prostate, red light therapy can play a role in promoting prostate blood circulation, relieving inflammation, and inhibiting the progression of the disease to achieve therapeutic effects. Let's explore each role in detail.

  • Boost Blood Circulation

Red light therapy produces a slightly warming effect, causes vasodilation, increases the production of nitric oxide (NO), and promotes local blood circulation in prostate tissues. Studies have shown that shining red light therapy on the prostate improves cellular energy and testosterone production, which can decrease the risk of prostate inflammation.

  • Reduces Inflammation

Prostate congestion and edema are common complications due to the inflammatory reactions caused by the infection of pathogenic microorganisms. Red light has strong penetration, can directly reach the affected area, sterilize the deep lesions, and prevent further disease development. In addition, it can effectively reduce the accumulation of prostatic fluid and shrink enlarged tissues in order to eliminate inflammation.

  • Analgesic

Red light therapy acts on prostate tissues through the lower abdomen and uses the principle of low-power light energy to relax the perineal muscles and reduce pain. It is effective in restoring the relaxed state of pelvic floor muscles and positively affects symptoms of prostatitis, such as pain, lower abdominal distension, overactivity of the bladder, and other symptoms. rlt and prostate

How to Use Red Light Therapy for Prostate?

In general, the number of treatments depends on the severity of the patient's condition and the body's ability to respond. For mild prostatitis, 5-10 treatments are useful. Moderate or severe prostatitis needs about 15-20 treatments to alleviate the condition effectively. It is important to note that each treatment lasts 15-20 minutes, and the interval can vary depending on the individual situation. Generally, treatments need to be given 1-2 days apart to allow the body plenty of time to repair itself. In addition, a doctor must also guide and recommend the duration and frequency of treatments to ensure the best treatment results. However, you must pay attention to the temperature and time when using it to avoid causing damage to the body.

Bottom Line

Red light therapy's application in prostate health is an area of continuous research. At present, no physical therapy method is available, like red light therapy which is very effective for the management of prostate hyperplasia and improves patient quality of life.

References and Citations:

[1] Glass GE. Photobiomodulation: The Clinical Applications of Low-Level Light Therapy. Aesthet Surg J. 2021 May 18;41(6):723-738.

[2] Leee LK, Whitehurst C, Pantlides ML, Moore JV. In situ comparison of 665 nm and 633 nm wavelength light penetration in the human prostate gland. Photochem Photobiol. 1995 Nov;62(5):882-6.

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[4] Franco JVA, Tesolin P, Jung JH. Update on the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia and the role of minimally invasive procedure. Prostate Int. 2023 Mar;11(1):1-7.

[5] Moskvin SV, Apolikhin OI. Effectiveness of LLLT for treating male infertility. Biomedicine (Taipei). 2018 Jun;8(2):7. doi: 10.1051/bmdcn/2018080207.

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